Saturday, June 30, 2018

Day 27

Day 27
The area we are in is having extreme heat like many other parts of the country. Last night I was up till after midnight because the heat index was still over 95. I slept poorly and we were up and moving by 6:15ish. One of our arch enemies the wind was blowing 10+ mph as we paddled away from camp. I was determined to make the best of the day and use the flooded areas off the river to beat the wind best we could and make 30 miles or more. We paddled hard for about 8 miles arriving at Lock 6 just as they opened the doors for us. Clearing the gates Shawn called the next route and we battled our way to the Lock 7. We arrived just as an up stream boat was pulling out and we paddled directly in without a pause. We pulled over for a snack and to decide what to do about a campsite or hotel in La Crosse WI just down stream of us. We saw 25 cent four minute showers at Goose Island Campground south of the city. We were filed with joy at the thought of a shower after paddling in the 103 heat index all afternoon. As we neared the city everyone with boat tried to run over us or each other making for stressful paddling. Shawn found an old canal that took us around much of the boat traffic. Returning to the river, there were a hundred plus boats racing about creating lots of random waves and making forward progress very hard. I checked the map and saw we still had several miles to go. I declared shower be dammed I am taking the first water free dirt I find as camp. We climbed the high bank and were able to see a nasty storm fast approaching. I set up my tent and took a quick river bath. Shawn and I watched as the hundreds of boats raced back to town ahead of the storm. What a mess the boat ramps must have been. As the storm moved in the winds blew 50+ mph and my $40 academy sports tent was nearly crushed. Only by holding the tent poles was I able to save it. The rain and hail poured from the sky as the storm moved past. It was the only time I have ever been scared while camping.  I am settling in for the evening and hoping the second line of storms on the way are not as bad as the first. We had 30 miles.

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