Thursday, September 13, 2018

Day 80

I kept thinking about the dead sturgeon that lay up the beach as I packed the canoe for the day ahead. I had left the rubber ring on its body the night the night before planning to return to take pictures. Now that the task was at hand I really didn't want to start my day like this but I couldn't leave the ring there to kill another fish. As I was removing the ring I could see it was a flat rubber seal or gasket that was used in industry or farming. Where did it come from? How many miles had it traveled? Had the fish suffered long? None of that mattered, I was pissed.  I don't know why that one dead fish upset me like it did but I was in a very unhappy place and with a dark sky and distant thunder I couldn't see the day getting much better. I paddled along in my cross mood making steady miles and listening to thunder grow closer. Around two I stopped for late lunch and a stroll and the wind suddenly started to blow much harder and cooler. I checked the radar and saw a huge thunderstorm rolling my way. I spotted a better spot to weather the storm and set about racing the storm to it. I had just enough time to set up the tent and throw my things inside before it started to rain. While I was securing the canoe and other gear I managed to get soaked. I stripped down and lathered up letting the rain rinse me off. I walked up and climbed into the tent to dry off. I spent the next couple reading and listening to the storm unleash rain and rolling thunder. After the storm passed I made a dinner of chicken and Mexican rice burritos while enjoying a great sunset. Another great finish to a day on the river.

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